Famous for being one of the hardest working vignerons in the whole of Bordeaux, the late Denis Durantou left no stone unturned in his search to get every last ounce of potential from his vines and their very special terroir. A mere 4-and-a-bit hectares of deep clay and gravel soils, planted predominantly to Merlot but with a dose of some of the oldest Cabernet Franc in the region – almost 70 years old – L’Eglise Clinet produces some of the most captivating wine from the Right Bank. They are unashamedly rich and concentrated, but always in perfect balance and harmony with some of the finest, most precise tannins you will find anywhere in Bordeaux; it has slowly gained a legion of followers who will accept no substitute. Whilst Denis will always be synonymous with the estate, his daughters Noemie and Constance who have taken over since his death in early 2020 will undoubtedly continue the excellent work at this prodigious estate. L’Eglise Clinet is not a wine you can rush into. Whilst some Pomerols are plush and generous from the start, this takes time and effort – and will reward the patient.