Bordeaux Index


Frequently Asked Questions on LiveTrade

What is LiveTrade?

LiveTrade is the only pan-market fine wine and whisky trading platform of its kind that offers transparent, instant pricing on 1000’s of the world’s top fine wines and whiskies. It provides a level of access which helps the fine wine and whisky market operate efficiently and accessibly by allowing any LiveTrade user to instantly buy, sell and place bids and offers on sought after producers and vintages. In an industry first, Bordeaux Index has removed the limitation of collectors and investors only being able to sell fine wine and whisky through the merchant the assets are stored with, both assets can now be traded instantly from any professional storage facility in the UK and Europe. Open to all market participants on the same terms and offering full supporting logistics capabilities, any top wine or whisky with guaranteed condition can be added to the platform and traded including via API-driven electronic execution.

Another of LiveTrade’s key features is LiveTrade+, a distinct list of wines which Bordeaux Index deems as a market making wine 24/7. LiveTrade+ provides instant buy and sell pricing on the most traded and liquid wines from regions such as Bordeaux, Champagne, Burgundy, Tuscany, the Rhône and the USA. Bordeaux Index constantly deploys millions of pounds of its own capital to increase activity on the platform, guaranteeing a firm bid price on all these actively traded wines, typically at a better instant price than you would be able to achieve through a broking process with a merchant.

With an unprecedented portfolio management system that allows users to upload their entire portfolios, understand value in real time and trade directly from one marketplace, LiveTrade has been described as “a game changer” and its disruptive influence referenced as the “Uber of the fine wine market”.

Read all about LiveTrade here

View our LiveTrade demo here.

Who can join LiveTrade?

LiveTrade is a platform open to all market participants including buyers, collectors, investors, merchants, negociants and producers. LiveTrade is the only fine wine and whisky trading platform that allows all these individuals to buy, sell and trade in an active fine wine and whisky marketplace.

How can I join LiveTrade?

To join LiveTrade and start buying and selling on the platform, all you need to do is to register for an account and you can get started. There are no joining fees, no membership fees and no hidden costs or commissions. Join LiveTrade and start trading today. 

For any further information or to hear from the LiveTrade team, please contact them here

What is the LiveTrade Marketplace?

The LiveTrade Marketplace is where you can view all the wines and whiskies available to buy and sell and where you can see live prices on thousands of the world’s top wines and whiskies. The marketplace can be filtered by Marketplace (sorted by trending), LiveTrade+, Watchlist and Tight Spreads. Here you can also view your live bids and offers and your completed trades

The Marketplace can be used to search for specific producers, regions and vintages and remains the most reliable place in the fine wine and whisky market to discover prices and trading spreads. LiveTrade makes the buying and selling of fine wine and whisky easier than ever before.

View our LiveTrade demo here

What are the benefits of using LiveTrade?

The benefits of LiveTrade include the opportunity for a full spectrum of fine wine and rare whisky to be traded on the platform. In an industry first, Bordeaux Index has removed the limitation of collectors and investors only being able to sell fine wine and whisky through the merchant the assets are stored with. The relaunched online platform allows producers, merchants, investors and collectors to trade together including via API-driven electronic execution. Overhauling deep-rooted market limitations, LiveTrade has an unprecedented portfolio management system that allows users to upload their portfolios, understand the value in real time and trade directly from one platform, regardless of where their assets are professionally stored across UK and Europe.

LiveTrade allows you to not only buy and sell instantly at the quoted price, but also to enter your own target buying and selling prices. You can set up a watchlist, check your activity history and view and manage your portfolio through our online cellar management tool, My Portfolio. All live quotes, not just the best ones, are visible and you can view the Marketplace in the currency of your choice.

LiveTrade has no limitations on who can use the platform, is available to use 24/7 and there are no fees involved. LiveTrade trades are backed by Bordeaux Index.

Explore the LiveTrade Marketplace here.

Explore the LiveTrade Marketplace here.

What is LiveTrade+?

LiveTrade+ is a distinct set of what we term market-making wines. These wines exhibit a liquidity in the market such that Bordeaux Index commits to making a market on them 24/7.

Bordeaux Index constantly deploys millions of pounds of its own capital to increase activity on the platform, guaranteeing a firm bid price on all of these actively traded wines, typically at a better instant price than you would be able to achieve through a broking process with a merchant. This means that if you have a classic Bordeaux collection or an investment portfolio that’s Bordeaux-heavy, you could sell your wine in a single day on the platform, which wouldn’t be possible if you were selling it through a merchant or broker.

Explore LiveTrade+ here.

How much does it cost to use LiveTrade?

It does not cost anything to use LiveTrade. Unlike other fine wine trading platforms, LiveTrade is completely free to use. There are no hidden costs or membership fees. It also remains the only platform where all LiveTrade+ trades are guaranteed – specifically, the contract with Bordeaux Index is to buy or sell pristine wine, removing all counterparty risk around provenance and condition.

LiveTrade bids are published as the price a buyer is willing to pay and what a buyer must beat to be the most attractive bid in the market. Proceeds to the vendor are displayed within an offer form when selling a wine or whisky. This is displayed clearly on the order form when looking to take an action on your wine or whisky and our margins are always competitive amongst our competitors.

Our Terms & Conditions are here. 

Where can I access LiveTrade insights, blogs and reports?

Many of our blogs and reports are available for free on our website here

LiveTrade users will also gain exclusive access to further insights and reports when they sign up to use LiveTrade. To receive all our insights and reports, sign up to LiveTrade and become a member here

To join our mailing list and receive all insights and reports directly into your inbox, sign up here.

Can I buy and sell wine and whisky on LiveTrade outside of the UK?

Yes, you can buy and sell wine and whisky on LiveTrade outside of the UK. You can use LiveTrade if you store your assets in any in-bond facility/tax warehouse within the EU. 

For further details on storing your wine and whisky with Bordeaux Index, visit our Storage page here.

Who do I pay and how do I get paid?

After joining LiveTrade and Bordeaux Index, your account will be managed through My Portfolio. Here you will find all invoices, statements, payment functions and details of all your trades.

If the wine or whisky is in Bordeaux Index storage, your payment will clear within a week. Otherwise, we will pay you as soon as the asset lands in our warehouse and has been inspected; as a guide, this means around 2 to 3 weeks for wines and whisky coming from a UK tax warehouse and 3 to 6 weeks coming from an EU warehouse.

Our Terms & Conditions are here

Do I need to store my wine or whisky with Bordeaux Index to use LiveTrade?

No, you do not need to store your wine or whisky with Bordeaux Index to use LiveTrade. Provided your assets are in pristine condition and stored in a professional warehouse in the UK or EU then you can sell them on LiveTrade. Assets purchased on the platform can be shipped anywhere in the world subject to our usual delivery terms. If you do opt to store with Bordeaux Index, the settlement process is significantly quicker.

We make the storing and moving of your assets a simple process at Bordeaux Index. If you would like to get in touch with our team to move your assets to Bordeaux Index’s premium storage facilities, please click here

How do I organise delivery of my purchases?

To organise delivery of your purchase, the wine or whisky needs to be held with Bordeaux Index for us to deliver it. If it is held elsewhere, this needs to be organised with the other storage provider. To organise delivery from Bordeaux Index, expand an individual line to reveal all details of the wine. This will highlight the delivery van icon in the right-hand corner above the table of products. Clicking the van will add it to the list of items for delivery & enable the delivery option.

If a wine is listed for sale on LiveTrade and you’d like it to be delivered to you, it will need to be removed from the marketplace before you can add it for delivery.

For any further questions on delivery, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our customer service team.

What has changed with LiveTrade’s latest updates?

LiveTrade’s latest update includes an industry first: removing the limitation of collectors and investors only being able to sell fine wine and whisky through the merchant their assets are stored with. The platform allows producers, merchants, investors and collectors to trade together including via API-driven electronic execution. LiveTrade has increased from market making wines (LiveTrade+) to a full fine wine and whisky universe, whereby all fine wine and whisky can be added to the platform and users can bid, offer and trade on those items. This expansion supports the ethos of LiveTrade; to provide a level of market access and transparency that stands out from the rest of the fine wine and spirit market. Users can now upload any fine wine and whisky (subject to LiveTrade conditions i.e. stored under bond in a regulated facility, pristine condition) to LiveTrade, allowing it to be available for other users to bid, offer and buy.

‘My Cellar’ has transitioned to My Portfolio and is now an unprecedented portfolio management system that allows users to upload their entire portfolios, understand its value in real time and trade directly in one platform regardless of where their assets are professionally stored across the UK and Europe. The integrated portfolio management tool records, organises and values your wines and whisky, as well as enabling personalised annotations on assets stored externally. See historic pricing and critics notes instantly when you click on any wine in your collection.

My Portfolio is where you can arrange delivery and review the performance of wines and spirits in your cellar. You can also define categories and view them in your portfolio e.g. Investment Wines / Drinking Wines / Rare Whisky.

Explore My Portfolio here.

Explore My Portfolio FAQ’s here

What wine and whisky are on LiveTrade?

Any top fine wine and whisky can be added to trade on LiveTrade (subject to LiveTrade conditions i.e. stored under bond in a regulated UK or Europe facility, pristine condition). As a user you can upload any wine or whisky, set an offer and wait for a buyer to bid or buy.

It is the only wine and whisky trading platform which commits to firm bids and offers on an ongoing basis. For LiveTrade+ wines, the effect is instant liquidity on hundreds of the world’s top fine wines. This is of huge benefit to collectors, investors and trade players who want to sell stocks without resorting to often slow broking processes.

LiveTrade+ is a distinct set of what we term market-making wines. These wines exhibit a liquidity in the market such that Bordeaux Index commits to making a market on them 24/7.

Explore the LiveTrade Marketplace here.

Can I set up alerts for LiveTrade via email?

Yes, you can set up various email alerts. You can set up your email alerts in My Preferences in the LiveTrade Marketplace.

Update Preferences in here

How quickly am I paid if I sell wine or whisky on LiveTrade?

- If the wine or whisky is in Bordeaux Index storage, within a week. Otherwise, we will pay you as soon as the asset lands in our warehouse and has been inspected; as a guide, this means around 2 to 3 weeks for items coming from a UK tax warehouse and 3 to 6 weeks for assets coming from an EU warehouse.

If you would like to find out more about Bordeaux Index’s premium fine wine storage, visit our Storage page here

Our Terms & Conditions are here.

Who uses LiveTrade?

A whole range of users use LiveTrade, they include private collectors, enthusiastic drinkers, retailers, wholesalers, producers, negociants, agents, investors and investment funds. This is LiveTrade’s biggest strength: revolutionising the fine wine and whisky market by allowing all market participants to transact efficiently, securely and cost-effectively without having to go through a multitude of margin-hungry intermediaries.

LiveTrade remains the only wine and whisky trading platform in the market to allow all market participants to buy and sell without the need for membership fees or hidden costs.

For further details of the benefits of using LiveTrade visit the LiveTrade Homepage here

What are the storage charges when using LiveTrade and Bordeaux Index reserves?

Details of our Storage charges can be found here

You can take advantage of a reduced annual fee by signing up to our Storage Subscription Service. Our subscription service makes it easier than ever to pay your storage fees. Once you have set up your subscription account, payment will be taken twice a year, in January and July and you can manage your payment method at the click of a button in your account. When you sign up you will benefit from a discounted rate.

Find all further details here

Can you offer advice for trading opportunities on LiveTrade?

When you join LiveTrade, you’ll receive regular news and alerts on trading opportunities. Our traders and account managers are also available to help you make decisions on what to buy, sell or trade in the marketplace.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the LiveTrade team here.

Do you offer wine and whisky investment advice?

Bordeaux Index is a multi-award-winning business which prides itself on building long-term client relationships formed on trust, innovation and service excellence. Our people, throughout the business, ensure that investors benefit from our unrivalled insight and experience to best realise your investment goals.

To find out more about wine investment, please don’t hesitate to contact our team here.

How do I use the LiveTrade Marketplace?

The LiveTrade Marketplace has been designed to be easy and quick to navigate. After navigating to the LiveTrade Marketplace users can use the search bar to find the wines or whiskies they are looking for. After searching for their desired item, users can then view product details, last trade, pack description, bid per pack/unit, spread and offer per pack/unit. Actions can then be taken to ‘bid or buy’ or ‘offer or sell’.

The LiveTrade Marketplace is where you can view all the wine and whisky available to buy and sell and where you can see live prices on thousands of the world’s top wines and whiskies. The marketplace can be filtered by Marketplace (sorted by trending), LiveTrade+, Watchlist and Tight Spreads. Here you can also view your completed trades and any bids and offers you have ongoing.

Marketplace quotes show the best bid and offer for the desired wine in the case size indicated. The depth of the market is clearly shown, where there may be more attractive prices and alternative bids.

The Marketplace displays and operates in the currency of the account you have selected. To use a different currency ensure you have a different account set up in that currency and then use the account selector at the top of the page.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the LiveTrade team here.

If you have any questions regarding your account and currencies, please contact Customer Service here.

How do I use My Portfolio?

My Portfolio is our best-in-class cellar management tool. You can manage your entire collection, whether it is stored with Bordeaux Index or elsewhere, and you can instantly view the performance of your wines and spirits. See historic pricing charts and view critics scores and tasting notes. This is also the location to arrange delivery and storage with Bordeaux Index.

You can define categories and view them in your portfolio e.g. Investment Wines / Drinking Wines. Your full portfolio can be exported, and you can now include wines and spirits that are not stored in Bordeaux Index reserves making the management of your portfolio even easier. Add items to your portfolio by clicking the ‘+’ button in My Portfolio and filling out the form.

Explore My Portfolio here

If you need further information or help with My Portfolio you can visit our My Portfolio FAQ’s or contact us here

How do I add items into My Portfolio?

To add wine, whisky or other spirits into your portfolio, simply click the ‘+’ button in My Portfolio and fill out the form. Here you can add the item, vintage, portfolio category and storage location.

All wines or spirits purchased through Bordeaux Index or in your Bordeaux Index reserves will automatically be added to My Portfolio.

How do I place a bid or buy on LiveTrade?

To place a bid or buy on LiveTrade, search for the wine or whisky you would like in the search bar at the top of the Marketplace screen.

Once you have found your chosen item, click the ‘Bid or Buy’ button. This action will reveal the form where you can enter your bid price or buy the product instantly.

Once your bid has been placed, you will be informed if your bid has been accepted and will receive a notification via email. Keep track of your bids in My Bids & Offers where you can view the best price quotes for each item you’re looking at, and you can see how close you are to a deal.

View our quick guide on how to bid or buy on LiveTrade here

How do I place an offer or sell on LiveTrade?

To place an offer or sell on LiveTrade, search for the wine or whisky in the search bar at the top of the Marketplace screen.

Once you have found your chosen item, click the ‘Offer or Sell’ button. This action will reveal the form where you can enter your offer price or where you can sell instantly.

Once your offer has been placed, you will be informed if it has been accepted and will receive a notification via email. Keep track of your offers in My Bids & Offers where you can view the best price quotes for each item you’re looking at, and you can see how close you are to a deal.

View our quick guide on how to bid or buy on LiveTrade here

How do I make multiple buys simultaneously on LiveTrade?

It is possible to make multiple buys simultaneously on LiveTrade through your basket and our website, rather than the LiveTrade Marketplace. To make multiple buys, search for the items you’d like to buy in the Fine Wine or Whisky search bar. Once on the Product Page, click ‘Buy’ under the LiveTrade section to add the product to your basket. You can now continue to add products to your basket, and checkout all items once you have finished shopping. To buy through LiveTrade, ensure that a LiveTrade price has appeared on the Product Page, otherwise this purchase will be carried out through our Ecommerce site.

How do I trade directly from My Portfolio?

To trade directly from your portfolio, visit the My Portfolio section of the website. On this page, you will see listed all the wines and whiskies registered in your Bordeaux Index online cellar. If a wine or whisky is listed on LiveTrade, you can click the LiveTrade button and instantly action on the LiveTrade Marketplace.

View our quick guide on how to trade directly from My Portfolio here

Visit My Portfolio here

How do I navigate the search bar?

The search bar can be found in the LiveTrade Marketplace and is the place to go when searching for specific wines in the LiveTrade Marketplace. Here you can search by product, vintage, region and availability.

View our quick guide on how to navigate the search bar on LiveTrade here

For any other questions on how to use LiveTrade, please don’t hesitate to contact our team here

Explore the LiveTrade Marketplace here

How do I get started investing in wine and whisky with Bordeaux Index?

To start investing in wine and whisky with Bordeaux Index, we recommend looking at our Guide to Investing in Fine Wine and Guide to Investing in Rare Whisky and then speak to your Account Manager for a bespoke proposal. We aim to guide and advise you from start to finish to make the process as simple, pleasurable and rewarding as possible.

Find our Investment Guides here

If you don’t have an Account Manager with Bordeaux Index, get in touch here and you can speak with our team.

What is the minimum investment size you’d recommend for starting a portfolio?

On LiveTrade, you can start your portfolio by simply purchasing one case of wine or one bottle of whisky. Whilst an investment could start from as little as £500, we recommend £10,000 as a starting point in order to build a well-diversified portfolio. As for any asset, your portfolio should be diversified across a variety producers, ages and regions to optimise risk-weighted returns. 

If you have any further questions on wine or whisky investment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the LiveTrade team here

How secure is my investment?

The wine and spirits purchased from Bordeaux Index are your asset, owned by you and only by you. The risks associated with asset ownership are essentially ones of market pricing.

If you have any further questions on wine or whisky investment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the LiveTrade team here

Can I store my investment wine and whisky at home?

We would strongly advise against it. Wines and whiskies that are being held for investment should always be kept in a specialist facility that offers a controlled environment. Moreover, non-recoverable sales taxes are levied as soon as the assets leave bonded status.

For trading on LiveTrade, all wine or whisky must be in-bond, stored in a regulated facility and in pristine condition.

Details of Storage with Bordeaux Index can be found here

How long do I have to hold my wine or whisky?

There is no minimum time frame, so you can sell your holdings whenever you like. However, we would encourage you to see fine wine and whisky as a medium to long term investment. Investors are recommended to set a minimum 5+ year horizon but we would suggest that an investment term of 5-10 years is optimal to benefit from a typical market cycle. 

If you have any further questions on wine and whisky investment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the LiveTrade team here.

How quickly can I sell my wine and whisky portfolio with LiveTrade?

Bordeaux Index’s LiveTrade platform offers unique liquidity for hundreds of wines and whiskies meaning that assets can typically be liquidated and paid in a matter of days. Where wines or whiskies do not benefit from live bids (LiveTrade+) we will look to facilitate sale through LiveTrade and our private client network. Depending on the assets in question timeframes can vary from a few days to a few weeks. This timeline may be extended for larger portfolios and/or portfolios containing items of a niche nature.

If you have any further questions on selling your wine or whisky portfolio, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the LiveTrade team here. 

Is wine and whisky a regulated investment?

Investment in wine and whisky is not regulated by the FCA or securities authorities.

What is the tax treatment of fine wine and whisky?

Wines and whisky stored in a government bonded warehouse are free from UK duty or VAT. Generally considered a “Wasting Asset” by HMRC, the assets predictable life does not exceed more than 50 years determined at the date of acquisition and is therefore considered Capital Gains Tax exempt. Wine and whisky are however generally liable for inheritance tax. Bordeaux Index are not tax advisors and take no responsibility for any opinions given here. We recommend seeking tax advice before making any investment decisions. 

Visit here for all Terms and Conditions

How can I get started wine and whisky trading with LiveTrade?

To get started trading fine wine and rare whisky on LiveTrade, all you need to do is create an account and start using the Marketplace. From there, you can start exploring LiveTrade and buying and selling wine and whisky in the world’s most active marketplace.

View our full demo of LiveTrade here

How can I be confident in the wine and whisky I’m buying on LiveTrade?

Bordeaux Index is a reputable and established business operating for over twenty-five years in the fine wine and rare whisky market. Providing a level of access and transparency which in itself helps the market to operate more efficiently and more accessibly. It remains the only platform where trades are guaranteed – specifically, your contract is with Bordeaux Index who undertake to supply pristine wine and whisky, removing all counterparty risk around provenance and condition.

What are the key factors to consider when buying or selling for trading purposes?

When buying or selling wine and whisky for trading purposes, key factors to consider include the provenance, condition, age, and market demand, as well as the reputation of the producer and any relevant industry trends or ratings. Additionally, factors like storage and transportation logistics, legal compliance, and financial considerations such as pricing and potential investment value should also be considered.

To trade on LiveTrade, assets must be in-bond and in pristine condition. LiveTrade removes the complexity of buying and selling wine and whisky assets for trading purposes, by ensuring that condition and provenance are covered.

Read our full report on wine and whisky investment in 2024 here.

Are there any legal or regulatory requirements for wine and whisky trading?

LiveTrade has made the buying and selling of fine wine and rare whisky easy, removing all complexity and creating a seamless user journey. LiveTrade ensures condition and provenance, and our traders are there to ensure that you can buy and sell quickly and efficiently.

To trade on LiveTrade, all assets must be in-bond, stored in a regulated facility and in pristine condition.

If you have any further questions on wine and whisky trading, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the LiveTrade team here.

How do I determine the value of a specific wine or whisky for trading purposes?

LiveTrade will answer this question for you. When adding or searching for your wine or whisky on LiveTrade, LiveTrade will show you the current market value and its last traded price. This is an immediate live price for you to understand the value of your asset.

Explore the LiveTrade Marketplace here to see live pricing on thousands of the world’s finest wines and rarest whiskies.

Are there any risks or pitfalls to be aware of in wine and whisky trading?

Working with LiveTrade and the LiveTrade team enables you to avoid and mitigate the risks associated with wine and whisky trading.

Risks can include fluctuations in market demand and prices, the potential for counterfeit or fraudulent items, challenges related to storage and provenance verification, legal and regulatory compliance issues, and the need for expertise in evaluating the quality and value of wines and whisky. LiveTrade manages many of these aspects for you, ensuring that all assets have guaranteed provenance, are stored in the correct facilities and are in pristine condition.

If you have any further questions on wine or whisky trading, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the LiveTrade team here

How does the condition and provenance of a wine or whisky affect its trading value?

The condition and provenance of a wine or whisky can significantly affect its trading value. A well-documented and properly stored asset with impeccable provenance, including details about its origin, storage conditions, and ownership history, instils confidence in buyers and can command a higher value. Similarly, assets that have been well-preserved and maintained in optimal conditions, free from faults or signs of deterioration, are more likely to be sought after by collectors and investors, thereby increasing their trading value.

To trade wine on LiveTrade, all LiveTrade wines and whiskies must be in-bond in a regulated facility and be in pristine condition.

What resources can I consult for guidance and information on wine or whisky trading?

If you would like to find out more about wine or whisky trading, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team of experts.

If you would like to find out more about starting your wine or whisky portfolio, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team of experts. 

LiveTrade - LiveTrade is the world’s most active fine wine and whisky trading platform, providing firm buy and sell pricing on top wines from Bordeaux, Champagne, Burgundy, Tuscany, the Rhône and the USA and the world’s top whiskies

LiveTrade Marketplace – The LiveTrade Marketplace includes all the wines and whiskies eligible to buy and sell on LiveTrade. The LiveTrade Marketplace is where to view and search all wines and whiskies, where to place ‘Bids’ and ‘Offers’ and the main place to ‘Buy’ and ‘Sell’ on LiveTrade

LiveTrade+ - LiveTrade+ list is a distinct list of wines which Bordeaux Index deems as a market making wine, those which exhibit liquidity in the market as such that Bordeaux Index commits to making a market 24/7 on those names

Watch List – Favourite the items you want to watch on your personalised watch list

Tight Spreads - View the tightest trading spreads on the platform

My Trades - My Trades lists all your completed trades

My Bids & Offers - My Bids & Offers lists all your live bids and offers, and this is where you can edit, suspend, reactivate, or delete 

My Portfolio - My Portfolio is our best-in-class cellar management tool. You can manage your entire collection, whether it is stored with Bordeaux Index or elsewhere, and you can instantly view the performance of your wines and whisky. Trade directly on LiveTrade and understand the real value of your portfolio at the click of a button. Use the grid to sort, filter, order your wines and whisky anyway you wish - by region, producer, Live Trade eligibility, % return etc.

Last Trade – Last Trade reveals the price and date of the last trade on a particular item

Case Description – The size of the units and the units in each case

Bid per Case – Bid per Case means the best (highest) live price at which you can instantly sell one case (as shown in Case Description)

Bid per Unit - Bid per Case means the best (highest) live price at which you can instantly sell one unit (as shown in Case Description)

Offer per Case – Offer per Case means the best (lowest) live price at which you can instantly buy one case (as sown in the Case Description)

Offer per Unit – Offer per Unit means the best (lowest) live price at which you can instantly buy one unit (as shown in Case Description)

Quantity – Quantity is the total number of cases or units (depending on which currency you are using) which can be bought (sold) at the Offer (Bid) price

Availability – Availability is our best estimate of how long it will be until a purchase of this item would be available for onward delivery/transfer by you, should this be desired. A purchase will show in Portfolio Manager immediately and the status of this entry will update as and when such operations can be performed

Spread – Spread is the difference between the best bid and offer expressed as a % of the best offer

Sell – The ‘Sell’ button can be used to instantly sell a product on LiveTrade

Offer – The ‘Offer’ button can be used to sell a product on LiveTrade with your own target price

Bid – The ‘Bid’ button can be used to buy a product with your own target purchase price

Buy – The ‘Buy’ button can be used to instantly buy a product on LiveTrade

Account – Choose the account you wish to view and operate from on LiveTrade. The LiveTrade platform will display prices in a way which matches the currency of the selected account

Case Type – This is a description of the packaging, typically limited to original case (OC)

Duty Status – Currently only In-Bond wines and whiskies can be traded on LiveTrade so this can only be set to In-Bond

Availability Stipulation - When placing a bid, you can stipulate if you require the stock to be available immediately for despatch and therefore only want your bid matched to offers where the wine or whisky is shown as being In Stock. This may reduce the chances of a match so to maximise your chances of a successful purchase, we recommend selecting None

Order Status - Choose whether your bid is live or suspended on LiveTrade. You can enter a bid/offer in suspended status so it is not live but can be quickly activated when you want to make it live

Unit Size – Size in cl of units containing wine

Unit per Case - The number of units in each case

Published price per Case/Unit – The price shown to other users on the LiveTrade Marketplace

Expiry - The time after which your bid will no longer be live on the Marketplace

Quantity Case(s)/Units - How many cases/units you would like to bid/offer on

Target price per Case/Unit - The target price you would like to receive (when placing an offer) or pay (when placing a bid)

Total target price - Your total target price for the trade – the Target price per Case/Unit multiplied by the Quantity (Cases/Units)

Reference - Your own reference for the bid/offer you are entering if applicable

Get In Touch

Please contact the LiveTrade team today for more information or to book a demo.

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