A Day in the Life of Jamie Morrison, The Glenturret Brand Ambassador

Jamie Morrison
23 February 2022
Bordeaux Index interviews Jamie Morrison, The Glenturret Brand Ambassador about his typical day.
My alarm goes off at…
My alarm goes off at 06:30, I get up and take our American Akita pup for a walk, I come back, shower and get ready for the day around 07:15. By 07:45 I’m sitting at my desk coffee in hand and beginning to check emails. I always listen to Forth FM (Scottish radio) as they do a quiz in the morning called the 2K minute which I find helps keep my brain sharp (as it can be).
My commute is….
Currently I’m commuting to the distillery two days a week, which is both nice and not so nice. Nice in that I get to see my colleagues and enjoy the sights, smells and sounds of the place for the day. Not so nice in that I usually get stuck in traffic on the way home and that’s just frustrating. I usually listen to podcasts or audiobooks in the car though, which is a nice way to pass the time. I find en route to work I’ll run over my schedule for the day and make sure I’m prepped, on the way home I decompress and evaluate the day.
I’m responsible for ….
I’m currently responsible for supporting our distribution network globally to ensure they have the tools and information they need to present the brand correctly. I support them at events, create and plan in marketing activity and report back on trends etc to our central marketing team. I submit our awards submissions for our whiskies to the various award bodies. I am the link between our team and our whisky maker to some degree, I take new information on products and ensure everyone is aware of the ins and outs of these. I host PR visits to the distillery, I take VIP tours, I liaise with our visitor centre team on staff trainings etc.

My typical day…
There is no such thing as a normal day in the life of a brand ambassador….. If I were to describe one of my best days though it would be this.
I was heading to Gleneagles Hotel to do some staff training on our collaboration bottling, my first visit for quite some time and first in person presentation for longer. I was a little nervous, however, I met with some of the team I knew already and was instantly welcomed and adopted into their family. It made me realise that no matter where I travel, I’m never alone. Our industry is such a friendly, supporting sector that I don’t think I ever want to work in another. That day I ended up having lunch in the century bar, I sat back and looked around, thinking you know what… this is pretty awesome, and I get paid to do this. Don’t get me wrong, its not all as glamorous as it sounds, there’s expenses (my favourite part!!), logistics of travel and a whole host of other things that don’t make it to the Instagram post. Overall though, I wouldn’t change my job for the world, after all, who would?!
My most memorable moment…
Standing at our raise a dram event a few years ago, I was flanked by Gordon Motion on one side and Charles Maclean on the other. The realisation then that, wow here I am, this is surreal.
What I am most proud of….
The fact that I’ve never changed who I am or pretended to be anyone else, I’m very lucky that I can talk about The Glenturret and our whiskies with a certain amount of freedom. I’m not told what to say or how to say it, I think that comes with experience and a certain amount of integrity attached. I am proud of where we’ve came from as a brand and I’m incredibly proud to have been a part of the journey. Long may it continue.
What would your Plan B have been?
I would probably have ended up doing education work, supporting our young people or something in social care perhaps. I’m not sure. I’m happy I found what I think is my calling though, every day is different and for each one I’m thankful.