LiveTrade featured in Financial Times' Guide to Trading Wine by Jancis Robinson

LiveTrade Team

7 April 2021

Trading wine has never been as accessible as it is today. After years of gatekeepers, national borders, and inability to cut out the middleman, wine-trading in 2020 is going through a revolution.

LiveTrade and the new feature the Dashboard are at the heart of this change as private clients can reach merchants, collectors, and wine négociants directly through our online trading platform.

The wine world is paying attention, Jancis Robinson recently featured Bordeaux Index in her article detailing "the best ways to sell wine" in the Financial Times.

Jancis wrote:

"Someone who aims to wipe the floor with these services is Gary Boom of Bordeaux Index. His in-house software developers have been building their Bordeaux Index LiveTrade platform, which, he claims, is the only one that offers a firm cash-buying price as well as a selling price for what he considers the 550+ most 'desirable' wines in the world. The platform also provides historical pricing data, critics' reviews, scores and so on. Boom is so convinced that this is the 'Uber of fine-wine trading' that he has invested £5 million in building the platform. Vendors of these popularly traded wines receive all of the advertised buying price, pay no commission and are promised 'instant trading and execution and fast payment'. Boom claims that the number of wines featured on the platform will be increased and offers standard broking at 10% commission for those not included in his magical 550."

As Jancis explains "the most popular way for private individuals to sell part or all of their wine collections now is through the outfit they bought it from." If you're looking to get trading today we suggest you check out our new LiveTrade Dashboard here for the latest prices and get in touch with us about storing your wines with us here.

Happy trading!

Discover LiveTrade at Bordeaux Index.