LiveTrade is the only pan-market fine wine and whisky trading platform of its kind that offers transparent, instant pricing on 1000’s of the world’s top fine wines and whiskies. It provides a level of access which helps the fine wine and whisky market operate efficiently and accessibly by allowing any LiveTrade user to instantly buy, sell and place bids and offers on sought after producers and vintages. In an industry first, Bordeaux Index has removed the limitation of collectors and investors only being able to sell fine wine and whisky through the merchant the assets are stored with, both assets can now be traded instantly from any professional storage facility in the UK and Europe. Open to all market participants on the same terms and offering full supporting logistics capabilities, any top wine or whisky with guaranteed condition can be added to the platform and traded including via API-driven electronic execution.
With an unprecedented portfolio management system that allows users to upload their entire portfolios, understand value in real time and trade directly from one marketplace, LiveTrade has been described as “a game changer” and its disruptive influence referenced as the “Uber of the fine wine market”.
APIs is a technical term for Application Programmer Interface. APIs are a way to connect your IT systems to LiveTrade. In essence APIs are the waiter in a restaurant carrying your order to the kitchen. Our LiveTrade platform has the prices and ability to trade, and from that menu you know what you want to buy and sell, or simply what stock we have available. The API connects you to LiveTrade to carry out your request without you needing to log on to the platform to manually view and trade.
The process to on-board for our APIs is as follows;
Register on Sandbox => test => get authorisation for Production => register on production API
Step 1 Go to the API Swagger hub
Here you will find detailed instructions how to use our APIs and all supported API calls and examples. All the information is here, however the steps below will help you on-board more easily.
Step 2 Create Sandbox API account
You will need to create a Sandbox API account which is needed for authorisation/login for the APIs.
In the Account section, use the /user/register call to create an account. You can replace the example values with your information then use the "Try it out" button to submit the call.
This is same way you can try the APIs in the Swagger documentation page.
Email address for the registering account. | | |
password | Password must be longer than 8 characters and include at least one capital and one number | Password123 |
country | ISO 2 letter country code (see ISO country codes for full list) | GB |
salesLedger | Your Bordeaux Index account used for buying If you don't know your account then please ask your Bordeaux Index contact or email Automations Team |
purchaseLedger | Your Bordeaux Index account used for selling. If you don't know your account then please ask your Bordeaux Index contact or email Automations Team |
forename | John | |
surname | Smith | |
companyName | John Smith Limited |
Once submitted, you will get a 200 success response and need to verify the email in Step 3, or you will get an error with what you need to correct.
When making POST requests with JSON, the Content-Type needs to be 'application/json'
Step 3
Verify the account from the email for the registration. This will open up a browser to confirm the request.
Once submitted, your Bordeaux Index contact or LiveTrade API team will approve your access for Sandbox.
You will then be able to test and use the LiveTrade APIs in our isolated environment where you can place bids, offers and make trades to confirm your set up.
Once you are happy and would like to be set up in the live production environment. Please message your Bordeaux Index contact or email Automations Team
Full details are in the Swagger hub, including allowed parameters and response calls.
A short summary of the structure and most useful APIs are below.
This are for registering and managing your account.
You will need to use /user/login to authenticate your API login token every 24 hours
These API calls is where you can view stock and prices.
/market are LiveTrade prices only - these are only support for Trading APIs below.
/market/bi-price-list consolidates all Bordeaux Index API items for sale. These cover LiveTrade and non-LiveTrade items.
Producer APIs provide our list of producers and their region and country information.
Trading APIs for LiveTrade items only (see /market) call above. These allow you to place, edit, view and cancel bids and offers on LiveTrade.
Post Trade
View your trade history for the registered account.
Minimum quantity allows customers to buy and sell in in bulk sizes. For instance, customers selling who only want to ship if they can sell a set amount are sold in one/larger parcel transactions.
Minimum quantity must be smaller than the total number of cases for sale, e.g. if you are selling 20 cases then you can set minimum quantity up to 20 cases.
There is no limitation, however, we do monitor activity to ensure that requests do not impact our LiveTrade customers on the Marketplace or using APIs.
As wine prices do not move very often, we suggest that you poll hourly.
Should your usage impact the services of Bordeaux Index we reserve the right to suspend your account without notice or reason.